Tuesday, 2 August 2016

One book is not enough :-)

But I gave the task to read it only at bedtime. :-) For sure, but I borrowed a trilogy of historical novels section. Archer Books, Inquisitor and Heretic by Bernard Cornwell.Last week I said that when I have the vacation, so I borrow some good book of fiction. For librarian as me it is nothing easier. :-D

About lunchtime I locked my office and went to the shelves as a reader. Even as a child I loved browsing among the shelves when I slowly read the names of the books - is it for me its charm. :-) Part of the library with educational literature, I deliberately missed - in your desk at the office I had had a decent stack of borrowed books from this section of the library (travel books, handicrafts and books devoted to the history). :-D

The slow pace I got to the aisle with thrillers and fell into my eye Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown.

Source: https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/154733/sifra-mistra-leonarda/

 I took the book with a trained eye and I thought that: "+/- 400 pages - that it may be sufficient for a week my holiday." I headed to the computer, he wrote down the book on their library card and I happily quietly plunged back into the office. :-)

When I arrived home after work, I pulled a book from his bag and laid it on the table and sat for a moment to my notebook. It was about 17: 00p.m. For half an hour later I taken the book in my hand and reading and reading and reading ... gave a dinner ... read more and more ... I ended up at 22: 00 p.m. evening. And I thought that the book got up to holiday on the last week on August! - hmm, well, so nothing, well. :-D But I just could not look away. :-)

The next day I returned the book and I borrowed next book from Dan Brown' Angels and Demons.

Source: https://www.kosmas.cz/knihy/125384/andele-a-demoni/

 But I gave the task: Read it only at bedtime. :-) For sure, but I borrowed a trilogy of historical novels from historical section. Archer, Inquisitor and Heretic by Bernard Cornwell.

Source: http://ipac.kvkli.cz/arl-li/cs/detail-li_us_cat-0006542-Lucistnik/
Source: http://ipac.kvkli.cz/arl-li/cs/detail-li_us_cat-0054114-Inkvizitor/
Source: http://ipac.kvkli.cz/arl-li/cs/detail-li_us_cat-0054115-Kacirka/

 So perhaps it to leave everything again not read. :-D Have a good sumer time and sorry for my English. :-)

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