Thursday, 25 August 2016

I am a nightmare of bookstore!

I love books. I read anytime and anywhere. Some books I can read more and more. If I have enough time and peace of mind, and I read the book in one day. However, I am a nightmare of bookstore!

Why? The answer is simple. Because I have a terrible habit. :-) When I go  from work at the afternoon, I going around the bookstore. I am walking through the aisles and browsing through the new books. If I book a lot of interesting (let's say for example Da Vinci code), read the first page of the chapter. :-) - At this point in my saleswoman promising start to see a customer, but I soon leave without buying and booksellers are disappointed.

The next morning I sit at the computer for work nadatluji to our library catalog "Da Vinci code" and I go out of my office right on the shelf with the heading "Thriller" where can I find the book (at best). In the worst case, if the book is borrowed and is not on the shelf, to book a reservation and I'll wait until my turn - a librarian or a librarian are not an exception. :-)

Well, if I really like the book, and I deem it absolutely must have, so it is booked through a colleague who is in charge of buying books for the library. :-)

That's what happens when you work in the library. :-)

Have a nice summer day!

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